

Welcome to Jetsys Defence


Our Values

Taking up additional responsibility and performing as their own company by being proactive.
Taking up additional responsibility and performing as their own company by being proactive.
We will constantly work to achieve the highest possible standards in our day-to-day work and in the quality of the goods and services we provide.
In the context of fast-changing defense technologies, the resultant gap needs to be constantly filled essentially by the import of hi-tech defense equipment but there are inherent problems with the import of weapons and equipment like non-availability of spares and components, a situation which gets particularly worse when the supplier happens to be an integration of various systems of different companies. Maintenance, substitution or up gradation, all become almost impossible under such circumstances, the equipment itself becomes the problem. We work with the defense establishments in order to develop and Indigenize existing test rigs and workbenches which have been imported previously and which are at the end of their life cycle. We carry out Research & Development activities in the field of development of new test setups for developing technologies and weapon systems. We also furnish the raw material requirement of the Indian defense industry.Therefore by developing indigenous products, technologies, and supplying of cost-effective raw material, solutions thereby reducing dependency & delays in procurement. An innovative and always cost-effective perspective in delivering quality solutions to the common problems faced by our defence establishments. The history of indigenous defense solutions reliability was always a concern, for this, we closely work with defense establishment especially Defense research and development Organization in developing test setup and platform for developing technologies which help in post-production testing thereby reducing the chances of system failure when the need arises. Also due to the unavailability of indigenous raw material becomes a reason for the unavailability of desired quality spares thereby affecting the reliability of the systems, we try and fill the gap by supplying Indigenous raw materials to the various defence establishments.
For several years India has been taking steps to modernize its armed forces by acquiring combat jets, helicopters, submarines, warships, artillery guns, and assault rifles by importing modern systems. According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) listed the world’s top five arms importers during the five-year period according to a report, India is among the top three arms importers in the world during 2016-20 of which Russia (accounting for 49% of India’s imports), France (18%), and Israel (13%), the report said. Our Objective is to reduce the dependency of Indian defense forces on foreign suppliers, manufacturers in the field of defense by tailoring according to the needs of the defense establishments we adjust what best suits them rather than taking a general approach. Our technically qualified team understands the pace of defense modernization along with self-reliance which has remained a myth due to the absence of indigenous production of high-tech weapons. We are driven by a qualitative problem-solving, cost-effective, Self-sustaining, and self-generating solutions thereby commercialization of the Indian Defense Establishments.
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Unique experiences

Our Instructors are Highly Trained in the latest Safety Techniques

Job satisfaction

Our Instructors are Highly Trained in the latest Safety Techniques

Work / life balance

Our Instructors are Highly Trained in the latest Safety Techniques

Lifelong friendships

Our Instructors are Highly Trained in the latest Safety Techniques


Our gallery

Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels
Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels
Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels
Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels
Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels
Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels
Small-town company makes Amazon shipping labels
  • CCTV System
  • On-Site Security
  • Threat & Rist Assessment
  • Alarm Monitoring
  • Life & Fire Protection
  • Network Security
  • Military Education
  • Army Programs
  • Military Career
  • Computer Security

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  • 2688 Simpson Avenue
    Harrisburg, PA 17109

  • +1 234 56 78

  • info@fortex.com


  • 2326 Quincy Street
    Harrisburg, PA 17109

  • +1 234 56 78

  • simple@fortex.com


  • 2688 Simpson Avenue
    Louisiana, PA 17109

  • +1 234 56 78

  • info@fortex.com

North Dakota

  • 2326 Quincy Street
    Harrisburg, PA 17109

  • +1 234 56 78

  • simple@fortex.com


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